Phillip Kerman is a well-known trainer, writer, and developer with years of experience teaching Flash to beginners. Since its introduction in 1996, Macromedia Flash has become the standard for delivering high impact, vector-based graphics to the Web. Flash is deceptively simple at first, yet has great depth and flexibility. Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia® Flash® MX in 24 Hours offers a clearly written, well-organized introduction to this powerful product, and gives the beginner an overview of the entire package, without becoming too overwhelming.
Phillip Kerman is internationally recognized expert on the use of the Web and multimedia for training and entertainment purposes. He frequently presents at Macromedia User Conferences, contributes articles to Macromedia User Journal, and he has taught Flash and other Macromedia authoring tools in workshops around the world. In addition to showing others how to create multimedia, Kerman has had plenty of opportunities to get his hands dirty in programming. He programmed the all-Flash Web site "" for Paris France, Inc., which was included in both Communication Arts Interactive Design Annual and the British Design & Art Direction Annual.